My Lobotomy

thThe tragic true story, My Lobotomy, written by Howard Dully left me, and I’m sure along with many other readers disturbed.  This memoir will knowledge its readers about the life of a boy, who is which one of the youngest people to have a transorbital lobotomy, and how this procedure affected his life.  Even though it may be an upsetting story I feel that readers can still find ways to relate to it, weather it be through their personal struggles, family issues, or even external conflict.  I enjoyed how the book took you throughout the life of a young joyful little boy and into to his older years of confusion and frustration.  I have never read a memoir before so this type of style was new to me; however, I enjoyed this book very much.  I recommend this book to those who are strong minded and not affected by graphic content.


Blood Beneath The Skin


Andrew Wilson narrates the beautifully chaotic life of the mad man, Lee Alexander Mc
Queen.  Coming up in a hectic, confusing, and abusive household Wilson writes a biography about Lee McQueen and his uprising in the fashion industry through all of his obstructions
and strugglthes.  McQueen comes from a large family who struggle with their finances, and as for his father, his sanity.  Through the hardships of poverty, sexual abuse, and mental illness McQueen makes his way to express his disturbingly delicate pieces of work.  What intrigued me, and will probably many other readers, is the use of reliable sources, f
or this gave a better understanding of Lee’s life.  I did not dislike
any part of this captivating biography.  This truly amazing novel will inspire readers to work hard and that no matter what background you come from that with perseverance you can do anything you set your mind to.  I would recommend this book to readers who enjoy the history of fashion.

Mile 81

For those of you who enjoy quick, easy, and simple reads Stephen King’s, Mile 81, is the book for you. Stephen tells a disturbing tale of an evil entity that has taken over a car on an abondoned high way. Perthsonally I did not favor this book, for the plot seemed to not have as much thought put into it compared to other King novels I have read, although he does do a great job setting up a scene. I would recommend this book to those who need something to read in a pinch.

That Was Then, This Is Now

UnknownAs he portrays the life of a young man who prefers to live on the edge, but soon learns to mature, S. E. Hinton will leave readers with feelings of happiness, greif, fear, adventure, and even anxiety as they read his book, That Was Then, This Is Now. Hinton puts readers into the shoes of a teenaged boy who not only lives his life worry and care free but also has a lot of immaturity; therefore, he gets himself into many troublesome situations. After multiple fights, girlfriends, and drunken nights he ultimately comes to realization that life cannot be taken for granted and that you should focus on what is important. Greatly illustrated in Hinton’s novel, the use of character development, detail, and cliffhangers will leave readers in a contemplative state; moreover, Hinton will leave readers wanting more. I would recommend this book to anyone, but especially to those who favor the theme of growing up and easy reads.


The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time

Individuals may find themselves reflecting on their lives and fortunes when reading Mark Haddon’s novel, The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time.  Mark Haddon narrates the life of a young boy, who struggles with autism and a mentally unstable father, in desperate search of his mother and the individual who killed his neighbors dog. He eventually prevails through his difficulties of having a dysfunctional family and autism to find more than what he had intended. The reality that Mark portrays in this fictional story along with his unique way of establishing a mystery will keep the readers continuously turning pages. With the use of internal and external conflict throughout the novel Mark adds many layers to the story.  I would recommend this book to those who enjoy mystery novels and easy reads.


The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time

The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night is a novel that shows you what can happen when there is a lack of communication and misunderstanding. I enjoyed this novels unique way of establishing the mystery that was soon investigated by the main character who has autism.   I felt as if the author, Mark Haddon, had a personal connection with someone who has autism. I felt this way because he describes and portrays the struggles and the difficulties the main character is put through so well. I personally did not enjoy this book. I was annoyed by the characters in this book and also the random chapters that did not contribute to the story. This novel made me feel sorry for those who are unable to communicate their feelings with others in a calm manner and I learned that many people handle their anger in many different ways. This book had little to no affect on me, but it may have affect on others who have struggles in their family or one who is related to someone with autism. I did not enjoy the style this novel was written in, for this reason, I would not read another book by this author. If I were to recommend this book I would recommend it to those who are interested in easy reads and mysteries.


The Hunting of the Snark

Lewis Carroll tells a mythical tale of adventure, curiosity, and unity in his poem The Hunting of the Snark. I enjoyed this poem because I have not read one in the style of  a stanza before. This poem consisted of a numerous amount of canny analogies along with nifty rhymes. This poem was very well written therefore I disliked nothing of the it. Due to dialogue and the way the scenes were described this poem made me feel as if I was apart of the crew who worked on the ship. The main thing I took away from this poem was that with teamwork and communication you can find what you’re looking for. I have and will continue reading books by this author because of the creativity and whimsy put into his stories. I would absolutely recommend this poem to my friends being that it is an easy, enjoyable, and lively poem.



To Kill A Mockingbird

Wisdom, adventure, and struggle are just a few things shared throughout the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee.  This novel intrigued me on how the story was told through the eyes of a young girl during the Pre Civil Rights Era.  This novel had so much depth and was very well written.  My most cherished part of the book had to be how the kids looked out for each other and protected each other in a time of need.  There was nothing I disliked about this novel I enjoyed every part of it.  This book had a very surreal feeling and had a light spirit but also had its dark moments.  I learned that you can’t judge someone by what you have heard about them or by your assumptions.  This novel is definitely at the top of my list, for this reason I would read another book by this author. I recommend this book to those who like a good read with a meaningful plot.


The House On Mango Street

Sandra Cisneros puts you in the eyes of a young Latina girl growing up during a rough time in a rough place in her book, The House On Mango Street. Sandra Cisneros has a writing style that appealed greatly to me because I haven’t read a book in the style of a vignette. I enjoyed the clever analogies and how you could understand the story at any point in the book. I would surely read another book by this author, for, I admired how she could describe a character so well in just one page. I would recommend this book to those who like easy reads.


The Outsiders

S.E. Hinton’s “The Outsiders” puts you into the lives of others who aspire to live on the edge. My most favored part of the novel was the character build up and relations between them, for, it made the book very interesting and entertaining. “The Outsiders” taught me that you can always depend on your family and friends to be there no matter what. S. E. Hinton can put you into a story with her descriptiveness and vocabulary, for this reason, I would read another book by this author. I would recommend this book to those who like action and suspenseful novels.